Feb 12, 2012



The future, plans, planning, the path of your life, destiny. In how many ways can you describe this and what has it in store for you? This all is so blurry, when do you make the choice that will define your whole life, decide the path that you will lead and how can you reconize such a big thing?
Another 'Question Of Life' and there is like always no answer to this, maybe a better explanation, I can't find an answer. I came to this subject because in this period I had allot of decisions to make, school, personal life and my *caugh* financial situation...
What I've learned from this experiance is that you can't predict everything. You can not plan everything. You  can preticipate for something to happen or could keep in mind that the decision has to be made but again you cannot plan the future. Ofcourse there will be things that has to happen in your life and there is no denying to it. Hmm the best solution that I could think of; don't get stuck in the decisions that you've made earlier in your life, the good and the bad. The bad; the easiest excuse to blame all the bad luck in your life and the main reason you can not explore the rest of your life. The good; You may think this can't hold you back in going further. When something or a period in your life is going so well, you can get stuck in this 'flow'. It's a mean thing because you don't expect this from a good experience. The most scariest thing about this is that you don't look further because you're so happy.
This does not apply for all people but this is what i've experienced.

hmmm this is an another blog about a the 'Question Of Life'. Maybe I should start a mini blogserie ;)

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