Jan 23, 2011

ombré hair

Long time no see!
My latest obsession,

yeaah ombré hair.
My hair is pretty black and thick, i was wondering if this also can be done with my hair.
Research the web, looked some youtube how to's and decided just to do it.
Went to the drugstore and got me some blond hair dye.
I am now proudly posessing ombré hair!
here is a picture
I will maybe make it lighter but for now it's enough,
Do you also like ombré hair?
 the beautyboard was from,http://www.whowhatwear.com/website/admin/uploads/BB-ombre-hair.jpg

1 comment:

  1. yeahhh bodien i'm here.
    nice hair! i haven't seen it yesterday.. but your new shoes are nice;-)
    well i'm going to shower now, loveee your blog haha. oke laatmaar. mn engels gaat beetje achteruit geloof k..
    lateeer! XX
